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Meridian LamontFeb 9, 2024 2:33:32 PM4 min read

TalentBurst Introduces New Diversity Council

Diversity and inclusion are cornerstones of success in today's dynamic business world. In an ever-evolving marketplace, where talent and innovation reign supreme, creating an environment that fosters diversity is not only the right thing to do; it's also the smart thing to do. Recognizing this, TalentBurst, a leading staffing and recruitment company, is excited to announce the formation of its new Diversity Council, a forward-thinking initiative that promises to bridge the gap and drive diversity. This Council spans across divisions, creating a unique opportunity for different view points across the Staffing and Managed Services sides to collaborate and enrich the experiences of candidates and clients.

The Faces of Change

TalentBurst's Diversity Council is led by three passionate and committed individuals who are dedicated to the cause of diversity and inclusion. These three leaders will be instrumental in shaping the future of our company. Each of them has shared a quote on why she is passionate about DEI, offering a glimpse into her personal motivations and dedication to the cause.

Jamie Jacobs

“I’m deeply committed to the principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion, driven by my desire to ensure that every individual feels a sense of belonging. This passion is twofold coming from personal conviction as well as professional importance as I’ve witnessed the extreme impact that positive influence, support, and advocacy of equality can have on people. My passion encompasses the opportunity to promote a culture of openness to diversity among our internal staff, thereby broadening our access to the finest talent available for our esteemed clients. I firmly believe in the power of collaboration and view it as a collective effort to nurture an environment that naturally fosters diversity, equity, and inclusion, thereby creating a healthier workplace. I’m genuinely enthusiastic about being associated with a company that upholds these strong and important values. In essence, my overarching goal is to effect positive change for everyone, regardless of their background, race, or current status.”

Meridian Lamont

“To me, diversity isn't just a box that needs to be checked; it's the catalyst for innovation, empathy, and progress. A more diverse workforce brings a multitude of experiences and perspectives to the table, which in turn enables us to tackle society's most pressing issues from various angles. In today's world, the need for DEI is more critical than ever. We must build on the positive changes we've seen and pave the way for a more inclusive future, one where younger generations can thrive in an environment that celebrates the richness of our differences." 

Shironda Mott

“I am passionate about diversity and inclusion because I believe strongly in the principles of fairness, equity, and the benefits that diverse teams bring. My passion is not driven solely by my personal background, but by a broader commitment to creating more inclusive and innovative workplaces. I recognize that diversity and inclusion are not only the right thing to do but also essential for building a more equitable and prosperous society. My passion reflects a dedication to making positive changes that benefit everyone.”

A Collaborative Vision

The establishment of TalentBurst's Diversity Council signifies a unique opportunity to not only hone diversity but also to understand our clients' needs in even greater detail. There will be ample opportunities for collaboration between TalentBurst and TalentProcure, creating a synergistic effect that benefits each organization in a positive fashion.

Diversity Within TalentBurst

Jacobs and Lamont will work together to ensure that diversity is at the forefront of our recruitment and staffing business. Their combined efforts will focus on creating a diverse and inclusive workforce, ensuring that TalentBurst remains a leader in providing top-notch staffing solutions while promoting a culture of acceptance and respect.

Diversity Within TalentProcure

Mott's expertise will be directed towards TalentProcure, the managed services division of TalentBurst. Her initiatives will center on making sure that diversity is woven into the fabric of this division, which focuses on delivering end-to-end workforce management solutions to clients. Mott’s commitment will contribute to creating a diverse, innovative, and efficient service for our customers.

The Power of Collaboration

The true power of the Diversity Council lies in its ability to bring both divisions together. The collaboration between TalentBurst and TalentProcure will facilitate the exchange of ideas, strategies, and best practices. This synergy will help us identify new opportunities, improve our existing offerings, and enhance our understanding of our clients' diverse needs. As a result, we will be better equipped to deliver tailored solutions to a wide array of businesses.

Our clients will benefit from the deep understanding of diversity and inclusion that our Council members bring to the table. By partnering with TalentBurst, they will have access to a comprehensive approach that acknowledges and celebrates diversity. 

A Brighter, More Inclusive Future

The introduction of TalentBurst's Diversity Council is a significant step towards creating an inclusive, innovative, and forward-thinking environment. Jamie Jacobs, Meridian Lamont, and Shironda Mott are excited and ready to start working diligently to ensure that diversity is not just a concept but a lived reality.

As we embark on this exciting chapter, we invite you to join us in embracing diversity and making a difference in the staffing and managed services industry.